"Feel free to substitute turnip greens. This recipe has been posted to accompany my Recipe #373109 and Recipe #373203...they complement each other so well! But this recipe is a nice alternative to the traditional southern cooked collard greens loaded with bacon fat. If you like your greens more tender, you'll need to increase the cooking time and add more stock. Cook according to your taste!"

Ingredient :

Directions :

  • Wash greens thoroughly, making sure all dirt and grit have been removed.
  • In a large saucepan, place collards in hot water for 3 minutes, remove and drain.
  • In a large skillet, melt butter, then add onions and crushed red pepper flakes, saute.
  • Once onions are tender, add collard greens and chicken stock to the pan.
  • Cook on high heat, stirring occasionally for 5 to 7 minutes. Test a piece of the greens -- if you want yours more tender, cook longer, adding more stock or water to keep them from burning. Season with salt and pepper to taste.