Egg drop soup is a favorite of mine. After many trips to different Chinese restaurants to enjoy it, I decided to crea...
"Removing the skins from the shelled fava beans is a necessary task but worth the effort. Courtesy of Cooking Light."
Learn how to make iced coffee with this iced coffee recipe! We use instant coffee in this cheater-version of iced cap...
Make this Starbucks copycat pineapple refresher at home. It'll surely keep you cool on hot days.
Love the Chick-fil-A’s signature frosted lemonade? With our DIY take on the genius summertime treat, it’s incredi...
You can make this Panda Express menu favorite at home in less time than it’d take you to load in the car and hit th...
This meatless grain bowl is made with tofu "jerked" to perfection. The addition of roasted sweet potatoes brings a su...
"Cooking Light May 2010"
Whether you’re planning a traditional Thanksgiving menu featuring classics like turkey, savory green bean casserole...
"A very refreshing dish that can be served at a barbeque, beach party, picnic, etc. From Ina Garten / The Barefoot Co...
Turkey is a lean protein and the calories won't get out of hand if you choose a flavorful baked recipe, like Ina's cl...
"Simple recipe from Everyday Food October 2005."
"This is an easy, elegant and yummy pasta recipe. It has a mild flavor. It is my husbands favorite."
We’re just going to come out and say it: the sides are the best part of the feast. We love a Thanksgiving turkey as...
Arrugula, Garden Rocket, Gargeer, Rocket, Rocket Salad, Roka, Roquette, Rucola, Rugula, Salad Rocket and Tira what ev...
This miso soup is made entirely from scratch and has a simple yet complex flavor. You can now enjoy miso soup at home...
"serve this over pasta to take advantage of the sauce, or with big chunks of french bread"
This tofu salad is made with marinated tofu, snow peas, ginger, and garlic.
Smothered in low-calorie sauteed mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes, this dish is both healthy and satisfying. A little...
This vegan Jamaican curry dish is full of earthy goodness. The sautéed tofu combined with the boldness from the curr...
Heart-healthy olive oil and protein-rich Greek yogurt take the place of butter in this lemony pound cake. Egg whites ...
Delicious grilled tofu! This recipe is very easy to double, though you don't need quite double the marinade — about...
Nick Cobarruvias draws on his Mexican heritage for his menu at San Francisco's Otra, layering complex flavor combinat...
Esquites is the creamy corn salad version of elote, the beloved Mexican street food where corn on the cob is slathere...