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Raclette Party Set



Make ‘em melt.

There’s a party going on right here—no electricity required. Kind of like fondue, this set of eight mini pans perches atop the included tea lights so you can watch your raclette cheese melt—oh-so-tantalizing-ly—and then scoop it out with the matching spatulas right onto bread, potatoes, or, well, it’s a party so go wild! Boska of Holland designed this one with practicality and looks in mind. Sleek stainless steel meets European oak accents for a looker we're excited to put front and center on the table. All you need to do is add the heat and the dipping supplies and you're good to go. Think of it as dinner and a show—all in one.

Ready to throw your own laid-back French-inspired dinner party? You'll need cornichons, potatoes, charcuterie, wine, and a record player (OK, that last part is optional). We've even got a handy guide right here to walk you through it—and can pretty much guarantee melted cheese is gonna be your new secret hosting trick.